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Budget bathroom makeover

Becoming a Leader
Becoming a Leader


Fresh paint, a new benchtop and sink, plus a mirror and new tapware were used in this bathroom makeover for under $1000.


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The project


After completing our D.I.Y. budget kitchen makeover, we decided to take on our dilapidated little bathroom. I really thought the whole thing needed to be gutted and redone and I was probably right but our budget was pretty much non-existent so I thought anything is better than its present state.


We had a great deal of success with tile paint in the kitchen, and looking closely at the bathroom, I came to the conclusion that most of the change and refresh would come in the form of paint. So I painted the walls, ceiling, doors, tiles on the walls, tiles on the shower wall and the floor tiles. I also painted the bathroom floor and the shower floor along with the cupboard doors.


Instead of pulling the bench down, which would have meant retiling, we simply placed a wood-look laminate bench over the top of the existing one. We also updated our sink with a very swanky yet ultra-cheap countertop basin.


We replaced tapware and I made a little cover for the bath out of a piece of furniture that was free on the side of the road. A nice little light shade, a modern round mirror and a towel rail later our little bathroom was ready to make its debut.


I'm not going to call this a renovation or transformation because compared to other renos it's so very basic but it has freshened and lightened and modernised the space all for under $1000. We're very proud parents.


Not only was it outdated, it was rundown and sad.



Our shower door had broken a few years ago and no amount of scrubbing could seem to make the shower clean.




I thought we would have to rip out the bench but I had another idea.




I had the brilliant idea a few years prior to cover the cupboard doors with contact. Well, it was a good idea at the time.




Finally taking down a rickety shower screen.




The biggest part of painting tiles is the preparation, for the shower particularly, because not only did I have to sand and clean, I had to remove any existing silicone that was left over from the screen.




The primer was the first coat.




After the grubby looking cream tile with the maroon pattern, I just wanted a nice white clean and fresh tile colour.




The floor tile was transformed magically with this amazing tile paint.




A nice new result.




Instead of ripping the existing bench off, we simply "plopped" this over the top. Well, we did do a bit of measuring and cutting beforehand.




I am now an expert caulker.




The final finishes for the floor, walls and bench.




The round mirror makes the space looks current and stylish.




As we don't use the bath much, I decided to make a cover for it using panels from an abandoned TV unit we salvaged off the side of the road.


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A nice white clean shower. After much deliberation we didn't replace the shower screen. We felt very rebellious.


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Here's my video of how we did it.



Home Improvement Guru

Afternoon @daniknight4 

Another nice job! :smile: It looks great and love the bathtub covering idea. 

That bench looks very modern now. My only question is does the shower splash past the shoiwer stall without a door? Or do you have a curtain?


Loved the video btw.



Becoming a Leader

Fantastic, what a difference! Well done :smile:

Making a Splash

Love seeing how a bit of paint transforms a room. Your bathroom looks great!

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