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Industrial-look desk with storage

Amassing an Audience
Amassing an Audience

This clever design uses a Pine project panel and storage cubes to create a stylish and functional student desk.





The project


While the kids were remote learning we realised that having three kids, laptops, books, etc on the dining table wouldn’t work. Since my eldest needed the most room and some space from the younger two, and with everything remotely resembling a desk sold out, I decided to make my own.




I used a laminated Pine panel (1200mm x 600mm), three 700mm black round furniture legs, two 100mm x 25mm square legs and two cubed storage shelves. I was able to put this all together pretty quickly.




The legs are adjustable so the desk is easy to stabilise on uneven floors. Plus it's easy to take apart, so I could carry it upstairs and set it back up.




I stained the desk to match her timber shelves and bookshelf.










How to build a desk


Experienced Workshop member Rob shared a step-by-step guide to building your own desk




The Bunnings team has also shared these helpful guides to get you started:








There's also plenty of great inspiration in our collections of the Top 10 most popular desk projects and 10 home office project ideas shared by Bunnings Workshop community members.




Let us know if you need a hand with your own project – we'd love to help you get a fantastic result.


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