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How can I minimise damage to my buffalo lawn after applying the wrong feed and weed (with dicamba)?

Just Starting Out

How can I minimise damage to my buffalo lawn after applying the wrong feed and weed (with dicamba)?

I have wrongly applied Yates weed and feed containing dicamba to my buffalo lawn. Realised a bit later and added water to try and dilute the product. What else can I do? Is it better to mow now or wait? should I add the correct weed and feed now or wait?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How can I minimise damage to my buffalo lawn after applying the wrong feed and weed (with dic...

Hi @csalum,


I'd continue to flush the area with copious amounts of water over the next couple of days. You want to try to dilute the mixture as much as possible. 


I would not apply any more weeding products to the lawn for another month or so as it would be very stressed at the moment and will take time to recover. If it pulls through, you can consider weeding later. Once again, mowing will cause additional stress on the lawn, so it would be best to wait.


You might like to apply some hose-on Seasol, which will help with the root and plant stress.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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