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How to save this Dracaena 'draco'? Help needed.

Finding My Feet

How to save this Dracaena 'draco'? Help needed.

I planted a Dracaena 'draco' in ground earlier this year, but it's not doing too well. The leaves at the bottom keep turning yellow and brown. Is this a sign of nutrient deficiency? Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to save this Dracaena 'draco'? Help needed.

Hello @lin92


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's fabulous to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your question about the leaves on your dracaena plant.


Some of the common causes of dracaena leaves turning yellow are sudden temperature changes, waterlogged soil, over or under-watering, salt build-up and fungal or insect infestation. The leaves at the bottom of a dracaena plant naturally turn yellow and then brown after some time as this is part of its maturation cycle. However, if the entire plant starts turning yellow then it's a sign that one of the symptoms I mentioned is in effect. 


I suggest checking the soil under the pea gravel and checking if the soil is damp or dry. Do you have a watering schedule for the dracaena? If the soil is too dry odds are it's not being watered enough, if the soil is soggy then too much water is being applied. Fungal or insect infestation often leave obvious signs on the plant. The leaves are blotted or eaten away or a dusty coating can be found on the surface of the leaves. 


In the meantime, I suggest removing the brown leaves underneath and adjusting the watering schedule for the ones with very yellow leaves.


Let me call on our experienced members @Noelle and @Adam_W for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to save this Dracaena 'draco'? Help needed.

Hi @lin92 

The centre of the dracaena (or the top of it depending on how you view it) looks healthy enough. The lower leaves are doing what lower leaves on a dracaena normally die - die off as the plant gains height and newer leaves take over up the stem.  Over time, the stem or trunk may become quite tall and completely bare.  All those 'ripples' down the trunk are where old leaves now long gone once grew.

Eric's tips re watering are well worth following because there is a possibility the dying of the lower leaves may be accentuated due to a watering problem.

The top of the plant looks healthy enough so I don't think pests or diseases are affecting it.

Re: How to save this Dracaena 'draco'? Help needed.

Hi @Noelle and @EricL , thanks very much for the advice, much appreciated. I will adjust the watering and see how it goes.

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