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How to hide a crack in glass sliding door?

Finding My Feet

How to hide a crack in glass sliding door?

Hi, somehow a crack appeared on my sliding glass door in the lounge. The glass seems double glazed and the crack is smooth from inside and outside. it seems to be inside the double glazed thick glass. i cannot afford to replace it and i need to fix or hide this crack in anyway. so can you please advise how to do it and/or what product can help me? Also, if there is any other specific product that i can buy from somewhere else please give me details. thanks.


I saw this on your site: (will it hide the crack and make it look like there was no crack?) or if there is any other solution or product pls tell me. i m very worried and stressed. Thanks. You guys are my last hope.


Pls see image. 




Kind of a Big Deal

Re: glass sliding door in lounge

Hi @billooo if you have house/building insurance, the insurance company should replace it, however, you might have to pay an access cost, depends on your insurance cover.

The crack in the glass will get longer with constant use of the door, so eventually you will have to replace it.



Re: glass sliding door in lounge

Thanks but I m a tenant. My landlord should have it. Do you think I can ask my landlord to use their insurance? 


So, there's no way any product would be able to hide the crack like glass glue, resin or adhesive?



Making a Splash

Re: glass sliding door in lounge

HI @billooo , like @JoeAzza there is no easy fix for this unfortunately, replacement is the only answer

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: glass sliding door in lounge

@billooo , you could ask the landlord, tell them it could be a hazard and fall if it completely breaks away and hurts someone.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: glass sliding door in lounge

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @billooo. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about repairing a glass panel.


There is no product that I'm aware of that will repair or disguise this crack. I'd agree with @wooshka and @JoeAzza that the glass panel would need to be replaced by a glazier. 


Please don't be stressed over this; these things happen. I've broken a sliding glass door before when I was renting. If there is no other damage to the door that indicates it has been mishandled, then it would be a bit unfair to hold you accountable for crack. Glass panels can occasionally just crack by themselves. I'd suggest you have a chat with your property manager to discuss the issue.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: glass sliding door in lounge

Thanks so much Mitchell. Really appreciate your support on this. I agree holding me responsible for something I even didn't know existed is definitely unfair.

I m drafting a response about this to my agent and it would be appreciated if you could pls provide your valuable feedback on it so that the agent is convinced that it is not actually my fault and it could happen itself too. thanks again.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: glass sliding door in lounge

Hi @billooo,


You'd need to look to a glazier to provide their professional opinion on why the damage occurred. As a tenant, your responsibility is to inform the landlord of any damage. At this point, I suggest that's what you do; no need to have a professional assess the damage. You can leave that to the landlord.




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Re: glass sliding door in lounge

Thanks Mitchell. I did alert the landlord of it but he is not convinced that it broke by itself. It is frustrating. Also, the crack is smooth from outside and inside, it seems the crack is inside the double glaze which is quite weird and unique. If it was a damage from anywhere, the crack wouldnt be smooth from either side. thanks.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: glass sliding door in lounge

When the glazier comes out to replace the glass, you could enquire with them as to the likely causes and provide that feedback to the landlord @billooo




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