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Rear yard 2 slabs coming off the house. New fence 1800 H will be installed along the rear. One slab only slightly raised from ground but other nearly 400 mm. Should we fill and level...then put a retaining wall under fence. Suggested we start with 200 mm then go to a 400 mm retainer...Want to keep the costs down. then back fill between fence and slabs with gravel for good drainage.. Do you think you have to raise the grass right to top of slab or okay to have a 200 mm step down ? Open now easy access to fill first then fence and then level out...Thanks anyone who would like to comment a novice at this.
One slab is raised nearly 400 mm
Suggest we lay pebbles between fence and slab
Duplex 2 outdoor entertaining slab
Gap between Slab and old fence
Hello @Jackson5
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about finishing off the rear yard.
Your proposed steps sound practical to me. I suggest using timber sleepers when building the retaining wall to keep the cost down. I agree with going with the height of the slabs and filling the gap with gravel for drainage. It would be better to just flatten and level the soil near the lower slab. Placing a timber step near the slab would be the more cost-effective option.
In regards to your fence finish I recommend having a look at this discussion - Merbau panel screening by @WendyL.
Here is a handy step-by-step guide: How to build a retaining wall
Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.
If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.
Thank you Eric for your reply. I much appreciate your advice.
Will await your experienced members replies as well. Have a good night.
Good Morning @Jackson5
Welcome to The Bunnings community You will find a load of projects in here about fences and retaining walls
I really like @EricL 's suggestion about raising the level with timber sleepers and then backfilling with gravel/drainage. The step down near gthe carpark area is also the way I would suggest to go.
With the slab that is 400mm high and the leveling it. I would make sure the fence isnt holding any of the retaining wall. (As in they are two seperate parts to the same project) Fences and their posts are traditionally not made to be used as support for retaining walls.
One last thing as I just scrolled through your pics again, with the backfilled areas id suggest to incorporate drainage and set the fall so it drains correctly. Also maybe install some underground conduit in case you want some outside lighting one day? Costs are minimal that way as well as you wont need to dig the whole lot up again.
Hi Dave, Thank you for your time. Great thought with conduit and will check with the drainage too. Love forward planning. The fencing contractor said they use posts large enough to support the retaining wall and fence incorporated underneath. Again I will ask the question...Like a plinth I believe all fits together ...
Morning @Jackson5
That solves my major concern about fence and it moving over time. So id probarly go for a flatter yard and fill the area between the slabs and not step down so much. Makes it easier pushing things around in future as in wheelbarrows/bbqs and bikes.
Thanks again Dave for your insurance there..
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