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How to fix a fibre cement crack at a join?

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How to fix a fibre cement crack at a join?

I'm hoping the community can assist with their experience. I have an external building clad in fibre cement (I assume to be blue board). It has been up for approximately 10 years and the wind/weather has caused one of the board joins to crack, letting in moisture. I am trying to determine the best process to fix and seal the crack. What is the best approach and materials needed? Thanks in advance for any advice.




Re: How to fix a fibre cement crack at a join?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix a fibre cement crack at a join?



Sorry for the delay in my reply.


Can you provide some images of these cracks so our members have a better idea of what you're working with? Let me know if you need a hand uploading images.


From what you've explained, it sounds like you're past the point of bandaid solutions, such as filling the cracks with polyurethane or silicone. The cracks should be chased out, the degraded material removed and patched with a cement-based filler, and the nails should be driven back in and filled over. Once this is done and all other leak points are resolved, you can paint the wall to ensure it is water-resistant.


My suggestion would be to enlist the services of a professional to quote the work and find out exactly the extent of the issue. That would likely allow you to decide whether sealing the gaps with a caulked product would be feasible.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: How to fix a fibre cement crack at a join?

Thanks Mitchell! I appreciate the advice! Definitely a professional is required. 

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