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How to improve my blackberries and raspberries growing ability?

Community Megastar

How to improve my blackberries and raspberries growing ability?

Afternoon all

I have a couple of beds of blackberries and one of rasberries, With the blackberries they fruit on the second year of canes (These ones are thornless) With the rasberries (these have thorns, VERY much so) I think they should fruit every year.


The ones I have are around 3-4years old and have been poor in fruiting the last two years. I am trainging them to stay in their beds and will have wire around the edge to help out (ran out of time to do it before the photo op) 


Is there something I should be feeding them? I have a large ghost gum in the back yard that loves sucking nutrients out of the garden beds lol but live with it, I also have a few other trees doing the same. Is their a specific compost? fertilizer (last option) that I could use?


Blackberries are supposed to grow easily... shaking my head these are taking their time!

01 22-10-2023.jpg

Before, surpprisingly few weeds after the last weeding 6-9 months ago.

02 22-10-2023.jpg


03 22-10-2023.jpg

Yellowing on the underside of the rasberries, pretty sure they always have been this way and they do fruit but man getting the berries is a costly effort!


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to improve my blackberries and rasberries growing ability?

Hi @Dave-1 


For the Blackberries, I suggest using Yates 1.5kg Thrive Natural Citrus And Fruit Organic Based Pelletised Fertiliser. For an extra nutrient boost, use Yates Thrive Strawberry & Berry Fruit Liquid Plant Food weekly during the flowering/fruiting season. This product needs to be specially ordered at the special orders desk.


For the Raspberries, I recommend topping up the soil with Yates 17.5kg Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Fertiliser and Soil Improver. Your current soil bed might be low on nutrients. I also suggest using Yates Thrive Strawberry & Berry Fruit Liquid Plant Food on this plant as well.


Let me call on our experienced members @Noelle and @mich1972 for their recommendation.


If you need further assistance, please let me know.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to improve my blackberries and rasberries growing ability?

Good morning @Dave-1 

Im thinking your Eucalyptus Tree in the background would definitely be a factor in stealing nutrients and also water. Also if the leaves are dropping all the time and settling in the beds , they could play a part too as the don’t break down well in the soil. That’s just my opinion though. 

With the beds with berries growing……..

Berries love an enriched organic soil that is well drained. Adding organic matter such as sheep or cow manure will help to build it up and also Compost. Here in Perth with sandy soil it’s important to regularly improve our soil but in other areas I’m not sure and I would be interested to know from community members in your area. 

Berries do need to be cut back to ground level each year and they send up new canes. I have never grown them before. Berries need room to grow, if they are crowded they can get fungal infections like Powdery mildew. It’s best not to over crowd them, they need good airflow around them and plenty of sunlight too. 
Also try Sulphate of Potash, that encourages good flower and fruit development. And as always, make sure you have flowering plants around to attract the Bees and Beneficial Insects into your edible garden to encourage higher Pollination of your fruiting plants. I hope this may help you. Just a quick question, is your eucalyptus tree casting too much shade ? 🐝 

Community Megastar

Re: How to improve my blackberries and rasberries growing ability?

Thanks @EricL 

Will give it a go and also going to try @mich1972 's suggestion as well (without overwhelming the blackberries lol)



Community Megastar

Re: How to improve my blackberries and rasberries growing ability?

Thank you @mich1972 

So my understanding that blackberries only fruit on the previous years canes? If I pruned them back then potentially they wouldnt fruit is my concern.

Going to go with your idea and try and source some organic material first and then will go after @EricL 's suggestion of the fertilizer.


I keep the weeds/grass underneath them free generally as I dont like the idea of "things" warming themselves in the sun if I am picking berries :smile: Ive only noticed a late fungal colouring late last year with all the rain. Waiting to see if it turns up this year. There is good air circulation around the plants.


The ghost gum produces shade but Id still say they get at least 50% of the days direct sunlight, the falling leaves is something I definently agree with. I use to have beehives but strangely never saw bees when i was in the backyard. (Bee hives were in the front yard)


With the raspberries... Well they keep sticking me so if they died (which they really dont look like they are doing) maybe I wouldnt be so sad... lol


The potash idea sounds good, I have grown potatoes in the back yard and they do end up with a yellowing of their leaves towards the end of the season and I have been told that potash is also good for them.


Thank you


Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to improve my blackberries and rasberries growing ability?

I’m pretty sure you cut back the canes that have produced fruits not the ones growing new canes. I’ll tag @Noelle 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to improve my blackberries and rasberries growing ability?

Yes, @mich1972 and @Dave-1 , the old canes should be cut down over the winter months to encourage the production of strong new canes in spring that will grow quickly to flower and fruit this summer and autumn. The old canes may product side shoots that could flower and fruit but not as prolifically as strong new canes from the crown (base) of the plants.

Community Megastar

Re: How to improve my blackberries and rasberries growing ability?

Thank you @Noelle , @mich1972  and @EricL 

It looks like the blackberries will get a hold on removal for another year if they dont fruit :smile: lol I keep telling them if you dont fruit then its curtains for you!

Will try the suggestions and see how it goes :smile: 


Thank you


Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to improve my blackberries and rasberries growing ability?

LOL 😅 @Dave-1 

Blackberries usually flower and fruit quite well when pruned hard each winter, so give them another try before putting them out of their misery!

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