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How to install compacted gravel and tuscan rocks?

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How to install compacted gravel and tuscan rocks?

Hey guys

This shouldnt be too hard to do but just wanted to check incase I am missing anything

I want to put some compacted gravel or some sort of rocks ( typically what you find on nature strips ) down this area beside the shed and veggie patch and behind the shed

The area will be very minimal foot traffic 

Just would be for planting veggies and being the shed will be putting things like some firewood and my wheel barrow for example


Behind the shed would need to be dug out a bit ( its clay soil )

How deep would I need to dig out and do I need to put crush rock first then put the gravel of my choice on top?

Weed matt to?

How deep  of each would I need?




Then after all that I would just hire a compacter and compact it?



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to install compacted gravel and tuscan rocks?

Hi @PatDIY_Dad,


If it's just going to be walked over, then there is no real reason to prepare it as if a car were driving over it. You'd only need to dig down to the depth at which you'd like the layer of gravel to start. A 30mm thickness is more than enough for coverage, and you could certainly tamp it down to ensure it locks into place well. You'd definitely want to lay down weed matting first before adding the gravel. 


You could add a 20mm layer of crusher dust first before the gravel. Compacting with a machine would establish a very firm base.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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