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How to make your home look more expensive on a budget?

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

How to make your home look more expensive on a budget?

You don’t have to spend a million bucks to make your home look like a million bucks.


Whether you want to add value to your home for an upcoming sale or just want to give it a quick style refresh, there are a lot of cost-effective ways to make your home look and feel more luxurious.


One tip that I read recently was to use management boxes (Bunnings sells these for $25) to hide messy wire clutter in a classy way.


Do you have any other tips for making your home look more expensive on a budget? Do share your thoughts below.


Tagging @lifestylebymari@Alyce_Pham and @Renowayoflife to kickstart the discussion.


And while we're on the topic, don’t miss these amazing D.I.Y. projects shared by Workshop members related to creating luxury and glam interior spaces:







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Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: How to make your home look more expensive on a budget?

Paint! Nothing beats a fresh coat of paint to make a home feel fresh and new, as well as, luxurious. Not only is paint aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but it can also add value to your home. 




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Re: How to make your home look more expensive on a budget?

Oh I love this post @Akanksha there is nothing like having champagne taste on a beer budget 😂


We are currently renovating our home and it's a massive renovation and with skyrocketing costs, we are creative with the materials we use without compromising on the overall finish.


A great way to save money is to DIY as much as you can, but I guess we all know that as it's why we are here. Although this is not our first renovation it is the first time I've been involved in the construction work, me helping has saved us a lot of money.


Don't be afraid to upcycle. We have recently installed 3 sets of bifold doors in our house, all of which were second-hand. two are wood and are in great condition so after they were cleaned up, stripped and sanded, they look amazing in our newly updated sunroom - we still need to build the deck so they're doors that go nowhere (for now) but by upcycling them it saved us literally thousands and allowed us to install doors we may otherwise have been able to afford.


I agree with @KatieC paint is transformative and can add so much value. We have renovated homes for sale in the past and transformed the kitchen areas just by painting and reconfiguring the cabinets already in the house.


LED lighting is also a great, low cost way to add sophistication to your bathroom or kitchen as you can find plug in options you can install them yourself.


Changing out door handles and hardware can be an in expensive way to change the aesthetic of a room without having to paint or do any major work.


Hopefully these tips were helpful, I look forward to seeing reading more tips.


Happy Renovating,

Claire xx



Making a Splash

Re: How to make your home look more expensive on a budget?

Hi @Akanksha 

This is a great topic and definitely one that really resonates with my DIY journey! 

As I'm currently working through our home and giving each area a much-needed DIY makeover, I am aiming to create a high-end look, on a DIY budget. There are so many great and simple ideas that can really add value to the home and make a space look more expensive and luxe. 

I have two upcoming projects in my home where I myself will be creating a more high-end look to an existing space. The first will be my linen cupboard makeover. I will be using the existing doors but will be adding mouldings, fresh paint and new handles to completely transform the doors and the overall look of the cupboard.


I also plan to add mouldings to my existing kitchen cabinets before giving them a makeover with the Dulux renovation range. 

The simple addition of mouldings, along with a much-needed fresh coat of paint, is going to give my standard cabinets and doors a beautiful high-end look!


Wishing everyone the best of luck with their DIY journey!






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