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How to seal a leaky door?

Finding My Feet

How to seal a leaky door?





I have a sliding glass door that leaks when there is a heavy rainfall.

1. I found there are gaps between the glass and the rubber seal.


2. Rubber seal has been damaged and water leaks through there.


What would be the best way to fix this, would using Selley’s silicone sealant be appropriate? Thanks 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to seal a leaky door

Hi @vitra 


The perfect solution is to replace window rubbers but that would really need a glazer too handle the glass for you as it would be weighty and hard to handle with out suction handles.


So If it was my window clear silicon would be good  as if there is any glass breakage (hopefully  not) the silcon is  easy to remove.


So wipe the glass and  door frame clean and dry and carefully caulk the silicon as a bead to the  glass and aluminum frame.  Have some turps and paper towels at the ready as turps on a paper will help smoothe the silicon bead and or clean up excess silicon. 

Do all around the door especially at leak points.



In your photo you have a channel with trapped water this should not happen it should be open at the end to allow the water to escape. I would grab that channel  lip right at the end and bend it open to allow water out in future. seal the vertical crack in that channel too just in case but still let water flow out the front. Check the other side too if it needs it.


Good luck hope this fixes your leaks




Re: How to seal a leaky door

Thanks so much for your advice! @Jewelleryrescue 

I will try the silicone method

Re: How to seal a leaky door

Hello @vitra


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your question about your leaky door.


My apologies for the late reply. It's fantastic that you've received excellent advice from @Jewelleryrescue. Just to add to the suggestions made, I recommend using Selleys 310g Clear Glass Silicone Sealant. It's specifically made for glass aluminium windows. I suggest using your garden blower on the gap in the rubber seal. This will force all the water out of that area and then spray the area with Diggers 125ml Isopropyl Cleaning Alcohol to thoroughly dry the space before putting in the sealant. Make sure to check both sides before sealing it up.


Here is a handy step-by-step guide: How To Silicone Seal A Bath ( the technique used can be applied to your door situation )


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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