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Can you retrofit sarking to ceiling space?

Home Improvement Guru

Can you retrofit sarking to ceiling space?

I have had this question for a number of years but after the last few weeks of constant rain its popped into my head again.

Has anyone retrofitted Sarking to the underside of their roofs? Is it possible? and is it worth an attempt?


I have no sarking

There is left over insulation from someone before.

The tiles seem to be watertight except for the stay wires coming through the tile and beams.

Water seems to get blown up under the tiles or backed up from leaf matter outside to gain entry into roof cavity.


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This was from 2021, pretty much the same as this weekend. Ihave a bucket with a towl across it to stop the splash and so far no actuall puddle ammount has come through but the towl is soaked.

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I was thinking of attaching sarking with a bit of a dip between the trusses, mainly to stop these drips. My concern is will anywind/breeze will want to flutter it around?

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I may try to retrofit above the bathroom and kitchen areas first and see if iuts stands up to the wind.

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From 2022 and still the same (The light well is corflute of skylight installed before my time. Dodgy bro inc id say.)

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From 2022 and still the same. The plaster has a silver reflective to the top of it for the whole house. I do not know if its conductive lol Yeah I turn the power off to the house when I go up there just in case.

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From 2022 and still the same tho that hole has been fixed towards the left.


The plaster in the ceiling of the bathroom has paint issues from the condensation of water as the room is in the middle of the house. The "join" is where the watar drips through. Both of these are on the list to be fixed but first would be stopping leaks.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Retrofit Sarkingto ceiling space

Hello @Dave-1 


I've only ever seen sarking installed outside of the framing and never on the inside. Installing it inside raises a few questions such as where will the condensation drain out to? If you were to install it inside and you used staples to fix it to the roofing frame, how long will the staples last before they fail? Will you be using another method to anchor it in place?


These are just some of the things that come to mind regarding installing the sarking inside. Your concern regarding fluttering is something that needs to be considered as well. Perhaps if the dip was not so severe, then it should not be an issue.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Home Improvement Guru

Re: Retrofit Sarkingto ceiling space

Thank you @EricL 

Yeah the staples was a thought but they will be going into 60 year old hardwood trusses lol so was think some kind of tack.


Where the water goes is actually something I hadnt factored in, bright spark me thought, yeah just put the sarking as far down as I can but looking at it thats a nope, I would be just shifting the problem from one place to another.


Like you I have never seen sarking on the inside. I really dont like where this line of thinking is taking me lol


So you have pretty much reafirmed what was in my head, pull up the tiles, battens and and put sarking down with new  battens or replace the tiles with tin. I think I will endevour to reseal the stay wire holes and see if I can find any other cracks in them.


Will wait awhile and see if anyone has another idea, Its not a job I will be doing immediately so I have a little leeway.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Retrofit Sarkingto ceiling space

Hi @Dave-1 


I think this is one of those projects that does not need to be rushed. If you have a revamp plan further on in the future, I suggest just waiting until the conditions are favourable, and you can execute a proper renovation. 


In the meantime, I suggest adding a clear tube to the bottom of the bucket and pointing it outside your roof edge so that it does not overflow. I also recommend using Selleys 290ml Clear Storm Waterproof Gutter And Roof Sealant on every leak you can find.




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