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Making a Splash
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Making a Splash
1 reply
4 weeks ago

Hi @MitchellMc, sorry for the delay in replying. I had placed a moisture sensor on the soil below our bedroom and measured 24/7, but the fans were onl ...

Making a Splash
3 replies

Hi @MitchellMc,the issue is that the "professional" installation of the existing setup is not working. The installers kinked the flexible ducting, cre ...

Making a Splash
5 replies

Hi @MitchellMc, thank you for your helpful answer. After a little more research I will (re)use the flexible ducting.How would you fasten the ends of i ...

Making a Splash
7 replies

Hi all, we have had subfloor ventilation installed by a contractor, but its quality is not very good so I want to redo it. As flexible ducting always ...

Making a Splash

Hi @Scbowra61,this is only my second paving project, after the patio mentioned. I did a lot of learning on YouTube. It's not hard if you have the nece ...

Making a Splash

Hi Adam, further to what Mitchell and Jason already said, I would wait for the next big downpour and then head out to take photos of where the water i ...

Making a Splash

I have so far used the 65mm agi pipe in my projects and found there is a shortage of affordable adapters to the standard 90mm stormwater pipe. For tha ...

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Becoming a Leader
1 reply
November 2022

What an interesting discussion this is. As somebody who works in this space (for Bunnings) it's a discussion that is often had. I would note a couple ...

Growing in Experience
2 replies
November 2022

Hi All, After much graft, I finished the paths. I did use the Dingo 20kg Powerloc Paving Sand and the 30 Seconds 5L Outdoor Cleaner Concentrate. Th ...

Cultivating a Following
November 2022

Thanks @TheHandySqirrel for kind words. We had buffalo grass before and it was not growing as it should be. Soil preparation wasnt great underneath an ...

Kind of a Big Deal
November 2022

Hi @moloko , I agree with the solution offered by @homeinmelbourne and would add that the join may look more natural if you don't try to make it a ...

Building a Reputation
12 replies
November 2022

@TheHandySqirrel @EricL @Noyade @MitchellMc Hi all. Just an update. The edging installation has been completed and it all went very well. I am quite ...

Bunnings Team Member MitchellMc
Bunnings Team Member
October 2022

Hi @TheHandySquirrel, You might like to check out these articles on How to choose a screening plant and How to create privacy by our knowledgeable g ...

Amassing an Audience
October 2022

Hey @TheHandySqirrel , our Jasmine is shaded up until around 1-ish being on the south-western side of our home, in a more shaded area I know hydrangea ...

Bunnings Team Member MitchellMc
Bunnings Team Member
October 2022

A watering ring is not necessary; it's more of a convenience item, @TheHandySqirrel. With adequate surface watering, the water will penetrate down to ...

User's liked posts

Making a Splash
1 reply
4 weeks ago

Hi @MitchellMc, sorry for the delay in replying. I had placed a moisture sensor on the soil below our bedroom and measured 24/7, but the fans were onl ...

Making a Splash
5 replies

Hi @MitchellMc, thank you for your helpful answer. After a little more research I will (re)use the flexible ducting.How would you fasten the ends of i ...

Making a Splash

Hi Adam, further to what Mitchell and Jason already said, I would wait for the next big downpour and then head out to take photos of where the water i ...

Making a Splash

I have so far used the 65mm agi pipe in my projects and found there is a shortage of affordable adapters to the standard 90mm stormwater pipe. For tha ...

Making a Splash
1 reply
April 2023

Hi @MitchellMc,below are photos from above, the second one with flash to show the presence of cables and thus the need for future maintenance.I have s ...

Making a Splash
April 2023

Hi @Rayser,as usual, "it depends". For my drainage installations I have glued all connections as I didn't want to take the risk of one part moving and ...

Making a Splash
April 2023

Hi @MitchellMc,my project has progressed, and I am now getting quotes for two options:1) R4 batts laid in one layer, abutting as per your drawing2) 2x ...

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