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since July 2023
July 2023
Getting Established
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Getting Established
1 reply
July 2023

Hi @mich1972 I’ve actually been looking at all your chicken posts for ideas! Thank you for sharing your journey. It’s been really helpful - I love al ...

Getting Established
July 2023

Thanks so much @MitchellMc - great suggestions! Re: the door, we have an old security door lying around so I might look at repurposing that. If the do ...

Getting Established
5 replies

Hi there, I have just adopted three rescue hens who are free-range during the day. I would like to have a larger run/enclosure for when no one is home ...

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Getting Established
1 reply
July 2023

Hi @mich1972 I’ve actually been looking at all your chicken posts for ideas! Thank you for sharing your journey. It’s been really helpful - I love al ...

Getting Established
July 2023

Thanks so much @MitchellMc - great suggestions! Re: the door, we have an old security door lying around so I might look at repurposing that. If the do ...

Getting Established
5 replies

Hi there, I have just adopted three rescue hens who are free-range during the day. I would like to have a larger run/enclosure for when no one is home ...

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July 2023