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80s kitchen budget renovation

Kind of a Big Deal
Kind of a Big Deal

This budget kitchen makeover was completed for less than $1000 and included new bench tops, sink and tapware. Cupboards and walls were painted and a new tiled splashback added.



Photo from PeteWernicke1.jpg


The project


I've been completing some renos on an 80s home getting it ready for sale. With $10,000 to cover the cost of everything necessary at the house, I knew I had to be smart with the small budget for this kitchen makeover.


I installed new benchtops using Bunnings project panels, and painted the cabinetry and drawers with White Knight Laminate Paint. The laminate paint comes up a treat. It's a bit of a process with prep and drying times, but it's worth it and is certainly a big money saver. The project panels are very easy to work with. You just need to be mindful of the wear and tear over time. But if the timber does dent or scratch, you have the benefit of being able to sand it back and stain and varnish it again to give it a fresh look.


The walls got a fresh lick of paint with Dulux Lexicon Quarter, and a new subway tile splashback to modernise the kitchen and increase tiling height up the wall. I also had a blockout roller blind installed and replaced the sink and tapware.


The cost of materials for the kitchen came in just under $1,000 – all purchased from Bunnings. Benches are laminated project panels, about $99 each, and the Blanco sink and tapware was about $250 from memory. I used 4L of White Knight paint for the cupboards, and the splashback tiles were very affordable at about $30sqm. The point really was to do this on a budget, and that we did.


Overall I'm very happy with the improvement to this kitchen. I would have liked to install laminate flooring and upgrade the stove and oven, but the good ol' budget decided otherwise.


Before and after



kitchen after.jpeg


How to tile a splashback


Want to give your kitchen an inexpensive makeover? Whether you are selling your house or just want to give your kitchen a little facelift, one of the most cost-effective and simple methods is to replace the splashback. ProjectPete has shared a step-by-step guide to how to tile a splashback with a full list of tools and materials.


More inspiration for your kitchen


The kitchen is the heart and soul of a home, and frequently the centre of activity. It’s not just a place to cook – it’s a place where people spend time together. For inspiration for your kitchen renovation project, check out our Top 10 most popular kitchen projects


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