The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.
A simple rack in a teepee shape to hang kids clothes.
I whipped up this simple but effective clothes rack for some of my girls' fancy show-off clothes.
Trim the ends of your dressed Pine at a 15 degree angle using a drop saw.
Stand two pieces of dressed Pine with the cut ends on the floor, crossing them at the top to create a teepee shape.
Mark the space where the pieces overlap and drill through with a spade bit. Repeat this process for the other two pieces of dressed Pine.
Paint your timber pieces (optional). We only painted a small section of the Pine using painter's tape to mask off.
Let the paint dry and then push the dowel through the holes you drilled.
To maintain structure you can add wood glue inside the holes where the dowel sits and the timber crosses over. You could also drill a hole in the bottom of each dressed Pine piece and run a rope through on each side, or simply use more dressed Pine as a cross section.
Mick0s shared this dress-up rack for the kids built in a simple A-frame.
Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects