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Kids teepee clothes rack

Kind of a Big Deal
Kind of a Big Deal

A simple rack in a teepee shape to hang kids clothes.



teepee clothesrack1.JPG


The project


I whipped up this simple but effective clothes rack for some of my girls' fancy show-off clothes.


teepee clothesrack2.JPG


How to build a teepee clothes rack


Step 1

Trim the ends of your dressed Pine at a 15 degree angle using a drop saw.


Step 2

Stand two pieces of dressed Pine with the cut ends on the floor, crossing them at the top to create a teepee shape.


Step 3

Mark the space where the pieces overlap and drill through with a spade bit. Repeat this process for the other two pieces of dressed Pine.


Step 4

Paint your timber pieces (optional). We only painted a small section of the Pine using painter's tape to mask off. 


Step 5

Let the paint dry and then push the dowel through the holes you drilled.


Step 6

To maintain structure you can add wood glue inside the holes where the dowel sits and the timber crosses over. You could also drill a hole in the bottom of each dressed Pine piece and run a rope through on each side, or simply use more dressed Pine as a cross section.


Tools and materials




  • Undercoat (optional)


  • Paint (optional)


  • Wood glue or rope to maintain structure


  • Drop saw


  • Drill


  • 25mm spade drill bit


  • Pencil


  • Clamps


  • Painter's masking tape (optional)


  • Paint brush (optional)


Other clothes racks


Mick0s shared this dress-up rack for the kids built in a simple A-frame.



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