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Vegetable garden makeover with raised beds

Making a Splash
Making a Splash


Sleepers, wine barrels and corrugated iron were used to create raised garden beds in this extensive edible garden makeover project.





The project


We have lived on our property for around 26 years, and it is an ongoing project. Until lockdown I hadn’t really grown much in the way of edibles, apart from a few fruit trees. I have always loved gardening and hubby loves building things, so we have now added quite a big area where I can grow lots of produce. I am still learning about this side of gardening, but my motto is to give it a try and don’t necessarily follow the rules.


It is a bit of a challenge on our property as we have wild rabbits and a Golden Retriever who eats everything. My garden is organic, and I don’t use sprays for pest control even if stated as eco-friendly as this can kill beneficial insects, too. 

I started out with some raised corrugated beds and some wine barrels.




Next, I had hubby build raised beds out of Sienna sleepers, which are safe to use on vegie gardens and have since extended that to a lower level.



Fruit and ornamental vines are grown over hubby-built arbours and arches.





I also had some old pots that I grow strawberries in that I have hung on the verandah fencing. 




To extend growing season and start seeds and seedlings, we have purchased a Maze greenhouse. Then 

I put in some stepping stones.




We have lots of bee-attracting plants and I have added more inside and around the greenhouse. I've also added a few more bird baths to keep the bees and birds happy.  




Composting is also a big part of gardening and I love our Maze Tumbler, also purchased in lockdown. 


For the compost, I add kitchen scraps (including tea bags which must be microplastic free), coffee grinds, vacuum dust and paper, and dried leaves etc. for carbon component. All products used in our edible garden makeover can be found at Bunnings. 




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