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Hi All,
First time poster... Go easy on me.
As you can see from the photos I have uploaded my front yard is a bit of a mess...I originally wanted Sleepers as square in the centre to contain the rocks and then sleepers along the front edge and side of the house..however when I bought some Siena Sleepers from Bunnings the 200x75mm 1.8 m ones... they twisted and warped, I even tried to lay them flat but the twisting was so bad it was sticking up in the air....
Should I try again with sleepers? or use any other wood? that's not so prone to twisting and bending? or go with another idea for the front and middle?.......I just want a very low maintenance area...low front edging and a nice little feature in the middle... any ideas? tips? thanks P.s...I have only basic tools...
can't join anymore..due to twist.
Hi @KelTron
Thanks for sharing those photos of your garden. You've got half of the puzzle complete. But you're missing one key piece, it's called Sleeper Pegs. Without the pegs, your sleepers will twist and bow because there's nothing anchoring them to the ground. Once you've installed the pegs into the ground and have anchored the sleepers, one other thing I suggest doing is to use Zenith 14G x 100mm Galvanised Type 17 Batten Bugle Head Timber Screws - 25 Pack on the corners to stiffen the overall structure.
Using sleepers is an excellent method of creating sections in your garden. It prevents turf from spreading too far and keeps pebbles in place. My number one tip when using pebbles on open ground is to cover the area with Weedmat. This will prevent weeds from growing between your pebbles and stop them from sinking into the soil in heavy rain.
I recommend having a look at this discussion - Landscaping front yard by @WoodenGregsWood. It will show you a very good example of how sleeper pegs are laid out.
It sounds like a fantastic garden project. Please keep us updated with your progress, we look forward to seeing your garden beautifully laid out.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
Hi @KelTron @EricL great advice from Eric here. I too landscaped my from yard with weedmat and rocks. Just a tip of advice, don’t buy the cheap weedmat, after a while the cheap stuff breaks down and you end up with the weeds again. Good luck with your front garden. Good on you for having a go yourself 👍
I'd agree with @EricL that the sleepers need to be fixed in place to stop twisting and warping @KelTron. However, it doesn't look like you've even had an opportunity to get to that step. Did the sleepers only distort once you got them home and placed them in the sun? If so, I'd suggest that they were too wet and took this form once they dried out. I'd recommend you return them to the store and swap them over. Your sleepers, especially 75mm thick ones, shouldn't warp so bad that you can even join them.
Perhaps have your sleeper pegs or corner brackets ready to go so you can fix the timber in position before it has time to dry out and twist. The current brackets you're using are too small, so I'd increase their size to the ones linked above and use bolts to fix them. I'd also recommend you screw the corners together with two Zenith 14G x 150mm Galvanised Type 17 Batten Bugle Head Timber Screws.
Please let me know if you need any assistance with the exchange process.
Hey Mitchell..
Thanks for the reply.. Yeah you are correct, I took the sleepers home, and laid them out when I wanted, worked on digging and levelling the ground, which took a few weeks as im a shift worker and it was over the xmas period so we were really busy, when I got back to it they were all twisted really badly, as you can see some are almost an inch off... I didn't think I could return them? is it possible? I am not sure I have the receipt still.. but if its possible that would be great. What should I do? if you can help that would be great.
Yeah on my next attempt I will have the pegs, and brackets ready to go as both you and EricL suggest..prep the ground before hand so I can just place everything in and screw it together in one day...
Thanks for everyones advice.. it seems like a simple job, but there is a always a million questions when you have no idea what you are doing its making more sense now though
Thanks EricL super helpful
One more question... Along the front of the house where I have a line of sleepers, Should I use those sleeper pegs? and Quick Cement them in? or ive seen people using another sleeper or treated pine vertically in the ground behind the join..since its only 200mm high im not sure if I should cement them in place or if that's overkill..?
Thanks for your help
I'd suggest having a word with a helpful team member or manager at your local store to discuss the issue. If this happened immediately, I wouldn't even question taking them back and returning them. Generally, you can expect some twisting if timber is left outside and incurs several wet and dry cycles. However, if you explain the situation, I'm sure our team will do their best to assist you in completing your project.
I'd recommend using the Retain-iT system for your straight run. Concrete in these joiners and slip your sleepers into the channels. These joiners will save you from having to dig overly large holes to fit sleeper uprights into.
@MitchellMc thank you I will have a chat with them and see if they can help out. And ill also check out the Retain-IT system.
Ill hopefully post and update in a week or two if all goes well haha
Hi @KelTron,
What great advice you've been given, I hope that it all has come together seamlessly.
Do you have "after" photos that you can share with us? We would love to see how it transformed.
Hello @KatieC and @MitchellMc @EricL
Thanks for asking Katie I have been meaning to reply but kept forgetting... I have attached a few updated photos Its almost finished... finally.!!! I just had to add new weed mats, and black bark, and also a little divider between the rocks and bark. also a few more little plants...but the main areas are all done and in my opinion looks much better... In a year or so when the hedge grow a little and the front flowers also... it should hopefully start to look nice... It was hard work, much more than I expected but im proud of the end result.. for a first timer I learnt a lot
Thanks to everyone for their was super helpful and I prob wouldn't have got it done without this forum.
really appreciate all your comments and suggestions..
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