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How to care for lilly pillies with spots on leaves?

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How to care for lilly pillies with spots on leaves?






Have recently (Feb 23) planted a Lilly Pilly Backyard Bliss hedge and a few have developed some strange spots on their leaves.
I don’t think it’s Myrtle Rust (I hope it’s not) 

And its not psyllid 

There are a couple of Scale insect poking about but nothing too dramatic. 

they are regularly 
watered, fertilized and I’ve added pea straw as a mulch within the last month. 


the spots are on the larger plants but they seem reasonably healthy with lots of buds appearing.

any help

would be very much appreciated 


thanks ☺️ 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Lilly Pilly disease

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @nickonumberone. It's marvellous to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about Lilly Pilly care.

Fungal infections could be a culprit; maintaining good air circulation and avoiding overwatering is key, and the use of a suitable fungicide may be considered. Bacterial infections are another possibility, and copper-based fungicides can be effective in such cases. Regularly inspecting for pests, including scale insects, is important, and using neem oil may help control their population.


Given I'm not entirely sure of the issue here, let me mention one of our knowledgeable gardening experts, @Noelle, to get her thoughts. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Lilly Pilly disease

It looks to like a fungal infection, @nickonumberone . The disease is predominantly on the undersides of the leaves (white deposits), so that's where you need to aim a fungicide spray.  The spots on the upper surface of the leaves is cause by the fungus destroying the tissue from the back - spraying the top of the leaves will not control it without treating the backs too.

Fungal diseases occur when conditions are warm and humid and there is a lack of air circulation around and within the plants. As @MitchellMc says, avoid over-watering and apply fungicidal sprays asap.

Re: Lilly Pilly disease

Thanks Noelle and Mitchell,


I will give them a spray after this rain passes. Thankyou! 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: How to care for lilly pillies with spots on leaves?

Let us know how it goes @nickonumberone.


If you have further trouble, and for other readers of this discussion, @Noelle has created a comprehensive guide How to diagnose and revive a sick lilly pilly that should be very useful.




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