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Hey all, I am looking for ideas on how to fix a drainage problem I have. As you can see in the photo this area gets “flooded” whenever there is heavy rain. A Deck will be built in this area and ideally there should be minimum water sitting there as possible.
So looking for idea on how to address this issue.
Afternoon @felipenm
I have gravel on top of my clay and it works brilliantly, I also have berms under the gravel made from clay to help funnel teh water where I want.
Side path rebuild from recyled pavers
You can see how I sloped the path to chanel the water, The clay was my base, teh 8mm gravel was the sub surface water carrier and the pavers on top hold it all together. It has stood well for the past couple of years.
@JacobZ thanks for your prompt response! I will do as you described! Your help is much appreciated.
Afternoon @felipenm
Nice work indeed, Has it turned out the way you had it pictured in your mind?
You definently changed it into a very usefull area
Hi @felipenm,
Nice job! It has come together very nicely.
I'm sure you can look back on this project fondly while you relax on your new deck.
Thank you for sharing.
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