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Is the new grass saveable?

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Is the new grass saveable?

Hi all,


I’m new and learning about how to do this outside the house and just had a landscaper do a front garden for me which is all well so far. 

My concern is the new turf he put in to fill a gap. I have been so concerned about the garden I haven’t thought much about the grass. 

I don’t think I’ve been giving it enough water but am happy to try to give it more but just wanted to see everyone’s opinions on whether or not it’s too far gone or if it can be rescued. 





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Is the new grass saveable?

Hello @newbiegardener 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's fabulous to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your question about saving your grass.


How often have you been watering the newly planted turf? The standard watering frequency is three times a day for six weeks until the turf has established itself in the ground. It looks like there are still a few bits of green on the turf itself, but it is difficult to tell from the photo. I suggest using Seasol 2 x 2L Hose On Lawn And Turf Starter - Twin Pack. I also recommend putting in some lawnfeed to help it with its growth and colour.


Here are some handy discussions that will help with your lawn care:


Let me call on our experienced members @Adam_W and @Noelle for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Re: Is the new grass saveable?

Hi Eric!


appreciate the response. 

i had only been watering it 2 times a day for the first couple of days and I think that wasn’t enough especially with the very hot days we’re having in Sydney. 

I am upping it to 4 times today as there is still a bit of green as you mentioned, so I’m hoping it’s just alive enough to hang on. 

Do you think I should get a sprinkler covering just that area to turn on throughout the day? Maybe every 2 hours for 30 minutes?


and thanks for the other articles I’ll have a read. 


Re: Is the new grass saveable?

Hi @newbiegardener 


30 minutes x 4 times a day would be too much - 5-10 minutes four times daily would be adequate. Enough to keep the turf itself moist as well as the soil immediately under it, to encourage the grass roots to grow down and anchor the newly laid turf. Some seaweed tonic would be helpful but only once the lawn starts to show tinges of green throughout.


If the landscaper did not use fertiliser under the turf, then you could use a lawn starter fertiliser. Make sure it has 'starter fertiliser' or 'new lawn fertiliser' on the label - don't use a lawn food for established lawns until the turf is anchored, growing well and has been laid down for at least 8 weeks.


There is some hope it may come back but you will need to be attentive.

Re: Is the new grass saveable?

Hi Noelle,


thanks for the info. I think I will try the 4 time a day watering for this week and if I don’t see signs of improvement by the weekend, I’ll start with fresh turf and make sure I water it properly. 

I’ll also confirm how it was laid and on what surface to ensure I have success. 

many thanks 

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