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How to fix newly installed dishwasher thats not draining?

Just Starting Out

How to fix newly installed dishwasher thats not draining?


Hi - we recently had a new whirlpool dishwasher  installed by the company we bought it from. First dishwasher run and it’s not draining. Has the error code flashing (e3 f7) which means it’s related to the hose. 
Is this connected in the right part near the p-trap as there is a second higher connection point so I’m wondering before I call them back or get a plumber out if I tried to reconnect it on the higher point would that make a better high loop for draining? Cheers 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix newly installed dishwasher thats not draining?

Hi @MW1,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community and thank you for your question.


The first thing that jumps out to me is the length of the hose and its path to reach the spigot.


As it is currently, you would need a lot of water pressure for it to go up the hose. Start by rotating the hose so it doesn't loop up so high above the spigot. You want the water to have the straightest path to the spigot as possible so minimising curves in the hose will also help.


If this doesn't work, I'd suggest shortening the hose as you have what looks like around a metre of unnecessary hose for the water to run through. You can usually just remove the rubber tip from the hose, cut it back and then twist the rubber tip back on.


If you still have issues after rerouting and shortening the hose, I'd suggest calling the company and having them come back.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




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