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Living and Bedroom

Help for living room and bedroom projects
Getting Established
5 replies

Hi I am going to attempt to install a VJ panel on a ceiling (attached to the stud) and I have a couple of questions. I have read the instructions on ...

Just Starting Out
4 replies

Hi,I am a beginner handyman and planning to install an entertainment unit to the wall along with hiding the cables. I am assembled the entertainment u ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

I need to make it a much lighter cream colour to match new kitchen  

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hey there I removed a piece of timber that the curtains hung off and it has ripped the dry wall down to cardboard. I was hoping to gain some advice o ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hi, I would like some advice on vinyl flooring. Do you put adhesive underneath the vinyl flooring. What types are available? Do you have to put underl ...

Just Starting Out
3 replies

We live in WA and therefore have a standard brick wall home. Im comfortable installing things into the brick walls with masonry drill bits and wall pl ...

Getting Established
11 replies

Hi, we have installed vj panels with liquid nails and screws that goes in the studs. How long should we wait for before hanging TV on the wall panels?

Just Starting Out
3 replies

  hi these feel like vinyl. Do you think they are? Do I need to sand before painting and should I use a roller. Wanting lexicon half colour and not ...

Finding My Feet
1 reply

I am planning to have my tv mounted on the wall. However I also want to install wood panels on that wall. Which one should be done first?

Getting Established
6 replies

Hi! I am attempting to renovate an aged wall unit in our downstairs area. Photo attached (apologies for the gear dumped there by my kids). It measures ...

Getting Established
5 replies

Our Guest Bedroom needed an update and as we often have friends and family come to stay, I was wanting to add character and warmth to the room by crea ...

Cultivating a Following
39 replies

Hi there I have built this but stuck on what to put above. OPtions are Arch with shelves Cupboard with glass doors on one side then shelves BUT we r ...

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