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Can you patch render?

Cultivating a Following

Can you patch render?

I was looking at the render on the side of the house over the weekend and thinking that it might be time to do something about it. Its an extension done in blueboard and the render has cracked on all of the blueboard joins. Do you think there is any way we can patch it or do we have to go the expensive route and pull off all the blueboard off the house and clad it again?



Amassing an Audience

Re: Can you patch render?

Looks like there wasn't allowance for the boards to move. The reasonably dark render colour probably doesn't help with the movement - especially if they cop plenty of sun. I think you would have to pull them all off and start again. I wouldn't use blueboard but something like Scyon. Can look great.



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Can you patch render?

I would try scratching the loose stuff out and filling the cracks with no more gaps or a similar flexible filler and going over the lot with a textured paint using a roller.
Having an Impact

Re: Can you patch render?

I don't really understand why people render - the darker colours often seem to crack and the lighter colours attract dirt and grime. I think weatherboards or brick are far preferable. 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Can you patch render?

I think there has been some good merketing with before and after shots of just how good it looks new with no mention of what you have a few years latter.


At home the old unused wall airconditioner survives because it is a pain trying to match 1950's bricks if it came out, also had a similar problem with the meter box and the eventual fix was a new box inside the old one to avoid moving it and leaving a hole to be patched.

Cultivating a Following

Re: Can you patch render?

Thanks for the replies, I'll keep investigating.

Cultivating a Following

Re: Can you patch render?

I asked a builder about this recently and he recommended pulling it all down and replacing it. 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Can you patch render?

That may be like asking a hairdresser if you need a haircut...

Cultivating a Following

Re: Can you patch render?



It was a family friend so I trust his advice @Brad. Agree with the sentiment though!

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