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How to paint outdoor porch tiles?

Just Starting Out

How to paint outdoor porch tiles?


what do we need to do to paint these outdoor tiles black? They are currently brown

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: How to paint outdoor porch tiles?

Hi @elphilp88,


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community! It is awesome you have joined and thank you for your question about painting your outdoor tiles. Our resident DIY expert @EricL will be online later this afternoon so let me tag some of our great Workshop members @Renowayoflife@Dave-1, and @MGusto as they may be able to lend some advice. 


While you wait, check out this Bunnings guide How to paint bathroom tiles. It has some great insights on painting bathroom tiles that might come in handy for your project. 


I look forward to seeing your after photos! Let us know if you should need further assistance, we are always here to help. 




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Community Megastar

Re: How to paint outdoor porch tiles?

Good Morning @elphilp88 

I have been looking at painting tiles for years as well. Tho mine are in the bathroom area not outside. When I get around to that project I will be heading towards teh paint section at bunnings and seeing what they have on offer. The products that they have stocked have changed over the years and become easier to use. 

This is the type of paint I have on my list if I started the job now. 

Rust-Oleum Tile transformations coating system (It is made for fott trafficed areas)

I was going to use Renew Tile and laminate paint (more for walls and wet areas then hard wearing foot traffic) as it was half the price. But I think I would be throwing my money away if I went for a product not necasarily fit for purpose. 

I Find that the type of products are always changing as more and more people re-do what they have instead of ripping something up that work but just looks dated.


Hope to see a nice "new" set of steps some day!



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to paint outdoor porch tiles?

Hello @elphilp88 


Thanks for sharing your question about painting your tiles.


My apologies for the late reply. It's great that you've received excellent advice from @Dave-1. The Rust-Oleum Tile Transformations Coating System is a good product for tiles. However, it is intended for interior use only. It would be difficult to predict how long it would last when exposed to the elements outside. 


Unfortunately, exterior tiles have a glaze coating over it which makes the surface impervious and difficult to paint. The only way to paint it would be to grind the surface gloss away. The drawback of course is that the surface of the tiles will no longer be flat and level. If you are putting in that much effort, I suggest thinking about retiling it with the colours that you want or install a low-level deck over it.


I suggest having a look at these discussions:



If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Community Megastar

Re: How to paint outdoor porch tiles?


:surprised: Good to know! Thank you :smile: Always pays to ask more questions then not!



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