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Nozzle lifts rail insert 10mm silicon.
Hi all Not every body loves their color bond wind chimes
(Noisy fencing/gate panels in the wind. Worse than squeaky bed springs)
I just wanted to share how some color bond fences rattle in the wind and can be quite loud with a bedroom next door a simple fix is a dab of silicon between the rail and color bond panel peaks only.
Use the silicon nozzle to flex the rail away from the sheet insert 10mm and a small dab/dot silicon is all it takes on the top and bottom rails to return peace and quite again. Not every peak on fence needs doing but i did .
Only one side of fence needs doing. On really loose older fences it maybe benificial to slde the silicon nozzle for a small join between the joining sheets mid way up but this is harder to access. But tighter the access the less it needs it.
Adding this Silicone dab will also strengthen you fence panels against storm winds .
You can buy matching color bond silicon I recommend that. or clear mostly you wont see it behind rail but just in case some gets on wrong bits wipe with Turps rag asap Or use your left over silicon from other jobs as it will just set soon if you dont use it all.
What a great solution to an irritating problem, @Jewelleryrescue. I am sure any of our members experiencing a similar issue will greatly appreciate your quick fix.
Many thanks for sharing.
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