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Poor outdoor table design?

Kind of a Big Deal

Poor outdoor table design?

Me, my wife and middle son visited a very popular pub in town that has expanded it's outdoor area with about ten of these outdoor tables.

Now my son and I are not 'light' humans, but as we both sat on one side - the entire table flipped up and we were both thrown backwards from it.

Raucous laughter from adjoining tables - and I guess it did look funny, but oh so dangerous after recent surgery and with crutches flying.

We eventually mounted the seats, by placing our legs in front of the seat and then sitting down.


I spent the meal looking at the tables and watching people. Within 30 minutes I witnessed a table of seven tradesmen completely flip the table as three men stood up simultaneously. Empty plates and glasses slid off the table and shattered on the artificial turf. Tougher than me, they just laughed, dusted themselves off and departed.


The tables don't look to be a DIY project - so how could an Australian manufacturer get this soooo wrong?  🤔





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Poor Outdoor Table Design?

Bit of a mystery that one @Noyade. One would assume splayed legs that tapered out to under the seats would be a design choice more suited to this table style.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Poor Outdoor Table Design?

So  easy to  fix with a  a  fixed  block of wood in each corner. Stupid pub owners


I weight  120kg and have  the same problem with those diabolical plastic chairs  being in the sun and getting brittle. Now if thats the only chair avaliable I lower myself very slowly into them.


I should hire a  good lawyer go around sit on these chairs and sue the pub I am sure they pay more attention then.

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