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We have renovated our bathroom - shower area has been tiled with holes left for the taps. We removed the spring loaded tapware and so now only the original spindles remain.
We purchased replacement taps but they don't match, they have a spindle mechanism already and we can't disconnect existing spindles as it has been tiled over.
Is there a product (tap covers) or something we can buy which will replace the part we have off without need to go behind the tiling. Everywhere seems only to sell "wall top assembly" taps rather than just the tap covers to go over pre-existing spindles.
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @diybarbie. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about changing tap handles.
All spindles need to be removable from the wall. Eventually, you'll need to change the tap washer, and if you can't unscrew the spindle from the wall, that will be an issue. Is it that you can't unscrew the spindle at all, or that when you do, the tiles obstruct it from being removed from the wall? The spindles are quite thin, and it appears that the tiles have been cut back sufficiently to remove them. Perhaps there is just a corner of the tiles obstructing their removal? You might need to file or grind that little protrusion off.
I would suggest addressing the issue as to why the spindles can't be removed and replacing them with an entire wall-top assembly kit. You might even consider upgrading to some 1/4 or 1/2 turn ceramic disc taps.
I haven't seen tap handles and cover flanges sold separately, as they typically require a threaded spindle to screw the collar onto. This threaded spindle is included in the kit.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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