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How to repair and paint a water-damaged wall?

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How to repair and paint a water-damaged wall?



I am needing assistance with this wall.


Looking to scrape and repaint this wall, however unsure which products to use to waterproof and scrap off the existing paint.


The damage is from a water leak in the shower which i have gotten it fixed now. Just need to fix the wall on the outside.



Damaged wallDamaged wall

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Repairing & painting a damp wall

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @doant2. It's brilliant to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about preparing a wall for painting.

I'd suggest you sand back the paint until the area is smooth with 180-grit sandpaper. If there is any damage to the surface, you might need to do a thin coat of Spakfilla and sand it smooth once it's dried. You'll then be able to prime the area with Dulux 1Step, and once dry, apply your topcoat bathroom paint


Here's a handy guide: How to prepare a wall for painting.


Remember your PPE, including safety glasses, face mask and gloves.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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