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How to repair damp wall damage?

Growing in Experience

How to repair damp wall damage?

The tiles are falling off our laundry wall. Only at the bottom. How to repair the damage? Can we replace the bottom gypock wall with new gypock?  Thanks.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to repair damp wall damage?

Hi @Makita,


The first step is to resolve the moisture issue. Do you know where it's coming from, or have you succeeded in stopping it?  


Is that plasterboard on the wall? It seems rather thin, almost like some type of board. You could install new plaster, but it might be best to remove that sheeting that is pulling away and look at what's going on underneath. Is it a brick/concrete wall or a timber stud?


I'm keen to know more details and provide further assistance.




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Growing in Experience

Re: How to repair damp wall damage?

The moisture come from laundry cabinet which is next to that wall. I have already removed the laundry cabinet.


Yes. The plasterboard is on the wall. It seems that the top layer of the plasterboard is coming off. Can I just peel off the paper and put jointing compound on the top? What is the best way to fix it?



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to repair damp wall damage?

Hi @Makita,


As mentioned, that still doesn't appear to be plaster. The material you are peeling off is far too thick to be the paper from plasterboard. It's more like a thin sheet of masonite or MDF board over a cement surface. The substrate appears like it has been painted; you can see down the bottom where the paint has come away. 


I'd recommend investigating what is going on. I suspect this is a brick or cement wall that has had a thin board fixed over it. The board looks quite compromised and I'd recommend removing it. You can then use plaster compound on the wall if it is uneven and undercoat and paint it.




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