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I have an odd level of respect for weeds. Their incredible ability to take advantage of an opening and go for it often seemingly overnight. Here are ...

There are a few approaches to removing Ivy. The first is to use a herbicide such as Glyphosate. It is most effective if applied to the base of the pl ...

I don't often recommend glyphosate but onion weed would be one of the exceptions. It's generally either a case of digging them out including their bu ...

If the leaves look pretty green and healthy the tree probably just needs more regular watering. If it is citrus leaf miner, a moth that lays eggs in ...

I would plant Grevilleas. Birds love them and they are beautiful, flowering for most of the year. Grevilleas are also fast growing and respond w ...

Citrus should be fed starting in Spring and through Summer. Young trees can be fed once every three months during the cooler periods, but you should ...

The main way that mulch suppresses weeds is by preventing sunlight from penetrating the top part of the soil. Sunlight triggers weed seeds to germin ...

1 reply

I’ve chatted to horticulturists about gall wasp as we have had difficulties with the wasps too and they recommended the pest strips. They are inexpen ...

One method to kill a tree stump is to use Manutec 1kg Epsom Salt. You drill into the stump with an 8mm or 10mm drill bit. You drill as many holes as ...

Ladybugs can be an effective way of stopping outbreaks of aphids in your garden. However, I'm not sure that you could encourage enough of them to com ...

Most likely culprit is Citrus Leafminer - a type of moth. Does it look like something is burrowing through the leaves, leaving silvery trails? It end ...

2 replies

I like bromeliads. There are lots of different varieties and they are tough and grow well indoors. This Guzmania is an example. - greygardener Peac ...

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