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How to fill a large gap between roof and exterior wall?

Growing in Experience

How to fill a large gap between roof and exterior wall?

Hi all,


Hoping for some advice, I've spent days looking through google and am at a loss.


The house we bought had a outdoor room/shed added on to the porch, just an extension really. They basically just added in two walls and called it a shed. The issue is that they have left a gap between the newly installed walls and the tiled roof (about 18cm) and I can't figure out the best way to fill it.


Doesn't need to be fancy, as it is being used as a shed but just something that will keep the dust, wind and weather out. Am not expecting it to be 100% sealed, just enough to keep out dust and anything that the wind might push up under eaves. As the eaves are hanging down on the opposite side of the wall, not a lot comes through, but on windy days the dust comes straight in and I'm imagining the rain will also when we get some gusty storms.


I was thinking of just stuffing some Earthwool Insulation up there as I just can't think of anything else that's simple and easy.


Any suggestions are greatly appreciated :smile:




Growing in Experience

Re: How to fill a large gap between roof and exterior wall?

100% @Dave-1 , it's very satisfying to finally have it done!


Next steps are the easy part, just need to spray foam the gaps, paint and then I can properly set up the shed... which is the really exciting part haha 

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