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How do I drill holes in stainless steel cutlery to make a windchime?

Finding My Feet

How do I drill holes in stainless steel cutlery to make a windchime?

I'd like to know if Bunnings drill holes in SS cutlery as I don't have a drill press any more. I've made lots of windchimes with cutlery and want to make some more. I have an electric Ryobi drill but no clamps but could borrow these.



What drill bit would work. I did break a few last time I made the holes using a drill press which I gave away. Can anyone help me in store or recommend where I can get help to drill a hole in the end of each fork knife and spoon about 12 pieces? Thanks.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How do I drill holes in ss cutlery to make a windchime

Hi @Noyade 


You are more than welcome to use it. 




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