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DIY window nook

Making a Splash

DIY window nook

Turning a dead space into something beautiful and useful


My favourite things to do in a house is creating not only beautiful spaces but also spaces that can be useful and have a purpose. This little nook was the perfect opportunity to turn something that was wasted and unpractical into more storage as well has a spot to enjoy the sun. 


Below are the materials I used to create this space: 


- 9mm MDF Panel Standard 900 x 600mm (I/N: 0590030) x4

-12mm MDF Panel Standard 900 x 600mm (I/N: 0590036) x1

- Pinnacle 100mm Single Fixed Pin Butt Hinge (I/N: 0074252) x2 

- Dulux paint I used casper white 

- Foam and fabric 

- Screws 

- Brilliant Antique Brass Metta Interior Wall Light (I/N: 0014351) 


I started by connecting the 4 base mfd panel of 9 mm with screws, followed by applying the hinged to the back panel and then applied the top panel. Painted every visible spot with 2 coats. And finish with creating the seat with foam and the fabric, I bought this one for this project but I would also recommend using any old or unused fabric you might have at home. I finish the project by also adding a wall light to create a more intimate and cosy vibe (this step I did get help from a family member who is an electrician)


I love how this DIY turned out and how I also created space to put all my cushions. 


Hope you also enjoy it :smile: 



Re: DIY window nook

Yay thank you so much 

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