We had to remove some of our Lilly pillys during a patio renovation and the plants either side must have got root damage and as a result sections of ...
Hi, my hedge (red robin, not very sure) looks like only growing at top but not the sides. The trunk turns white and the branches are very dry. What ma ...
I’ve had this plant for 4 years and just this year all her leaves have started to yellow and fall down. It was still producing flowers so I’m really n ...
Hi! Due to space, I'd prefer to install a wall mounted clothes line, externally, onto a brick wall. I can't seem to find specifications that include h ...
Hi, I'm hoping someone might be able to help me. We have recently purchased a new house and are having trouble with what I think are moths laying egg ...
This sticky white 'stuff' is on some plants but the worst is on the hibiscus. Three hibiscus get full sun and two others are in shade in the aftern ...
I recently planted this ivory curl tree. It had been relocated from another person's garden. I didn't plant it straight away and I think the w ...
I have grass take over my small front yard garden. It has a Japanese box and standard roses. The grass has grown all over. I used to keep up pulling t ...
Hi Guys, I need help to fix my backyard as the level of it is so bad causing water pooling on one side. I hired a landscaper to do my backyard land ...
Hi. Been in our first home for 4 months now and trying to keep the garden going. I did a post about our yellowing lawn, which we are aerating, too dre ...
Last November I had a healthy looking lawn out back. It's mostly buffalo I believe as it has lots of runners so I can't dethatch it. I had carefully i ...
Good morning Workshop Community Friends. I’m back out in the Garden and it’s been been really hot here in Perth. Thought I would share with you what I ...