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Help for outdoor home improvement projects
Just Starting Out
10 replies

Hi guys, Just wanting some advice around a poorly done patio extension prior to us buying. I'm wanting to repair, and it seems like whoever did this h ...

Just Starting Out
4 replies

I emptied my water feature for cleaning and would like to redo the waterproof membrane. I believe the structure is glass reinforced concrete. Shoul ...

Community Newcomer
1 reply

Hi, I’m hoping to build a deck on the concrete in my back yard that brings it up to level with the door (about 50mm above the slab) - the only proble ...

Just Starting Out
5 replies

Hi all, these forums have been very helpful in planning my poolside deck. I have a few questions from the experts which I havn't been able to find yet ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

  Hi, we have an existing outdoor pergola (8x12m). Two sides are enclosed by the house and 2 sides are open. one gable end is open however the other ...

Getting Established

I have been regularly cleaning at our home, an outdoor tiled floor in an outdoor covered area approx 110 sq metres for many years. Firstly I air blown ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hi! Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a cheap wood that I could use to create a low picnic table for a birthday party? Thanks,Liv

Growing in Experience
4 replies

    Hi team, I am building an outdoor box seat with storage. It will be down in a sunken firepit (which has drainage) however my question is about m ...

Just Starting Out
6 replies

The gaps around these pipes have been filled with expanding foam. After sanding the foam back and cleaning it off the pipes, how can the area look bet ...

Just Starting Out

do I need to keep this concrete mound? if I can remove it do I need a joiner? can you step me through how to do this?I think it's surrounding a sewer ...

Just Starting Out

all my plumbing waste pipes appear to have overflow relief gullies with them. Due to root intrusion into the side yard I've had to remove the clay con ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

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