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How to find a tradesperson near you

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Community Manager

How to find a tradesperson near you

Many thanks for joining the Bunnings Workshop community. You have joined a friendly, helpful community of people who are happy to roll the sleeves up and get stuck into home improvement projects.


We try to encourage everyone to have a go and will happily provide the advice and support you need. If you need a hand with a project, please don’t hesitate to click on the Start a discussion button. We have plenty of community members keen to share their experience and knowledge.


If you need a tradesperson to assist you, we recommend you try a site like Airtasker or hipages. We sometimes get members on Workshop asking for recommendations for tradespeople in their area, but Workshop is a community for people right across Australia and New Zealand so it is unlikely that there will be a member near you who can recommend someone suitable. It's best to go direct to a site that is designed for that purpose. 


Feel free to reach out any time you need help getting the most from the Workshop site or have any feedback about how we can make Workshop more useful for you.




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Just Starting Out

Handyman Advice

I have selected 3 products from Bunnings, a bamboo outdoor blind, a rope light and shelving unit. x 4 There is a detailed video on how to install the blind. How do a find a handyman, does anyone want the job? Bankstown Sydney

Re: Handyman Advice

Hi @bankstownb - you could pop your ad on HiPages or ServiceSeeking.

Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo

Re: Handyman Advice

Hi @bankstownb,


Welcome to Workshop. This is a D.I.Y. community for discussion about home improvement projects around the house and garden. Our clever and creative members are sharing helpful advice and inspiration every day, and I'm sure would be more than happy to assist you in tackling these projects yourself if you were so inclined. Just let us know what you need help with. 






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Re: Handyman Advice

Your rope light holders have disappeared. I think I can install it with clear outdoor tape. The others I cant do it myself
Just Starting Out

How to find tradie to put clear plastic on my windows for winter?

I want to put plastic film on the walls to insulate winter cold.


Re: how to find tradie to put clear plastic on my windows for winter

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @araceliagcaoili. It's brilliant to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about Winter-proofing your home.

Word of mouth is always a great way to find reliable local tradespeople. Alternatively, you might consider using hipages, or a job like this could be suited to someone on Airtasker. Before engaging someone to do the job, make sure to research whether they are the right person for you. If you did want to give this project a go yourself, I trust our helpful members will have plenty of advice and encouragement for you.


As well as the plastic over your windows, you might like to have a read through this helpful guide: How to Winter-proof your home. There are plenty of neat minor fixes you can do yourself to prevent heat from escaping and the cold from entering your home.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: How to find tradie to put clear plastic on my windows for winter?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @araceliagcaoili.


I would encourage you to tackle this project for yourself. We've applied privacy film on our windows and it's very simple. You might also get confidence from what @prettyliving achieved with her D.I.Y. tinted windows project. I'm sure Jess would also encourage you to have a go as she's passionate about D.I.Y.


All the best,




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Amassing an Audience

Re: How to find tradie to put clear plastic on my windows for winter?

Thanks for the tag @Jason 

@araceliagcaoili I applied the mirrored window tint from Bunnings a couple of years ago now and it’s still perfect. It was very easy to apply and saved us a lot of money 👍🏻

Just Starting Out

How to find an expert to help?



Can we have some expert come over for advice on landscaping and home renovation tips 

Why join the Bunnings Workshop community?

Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects