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What insulation and flooring for a shed in a rental?

Growing in Experience

What insulation and flooring for a shed in a rental?

Hi, I'm buying a for a 3m x 1.5m x 2m shed from Bunnings and having them install it.

I'm a disabled pensioner on a tight budget and so any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm almost 70 years old and so the shed and flooring only needs to last for about 10 - 15 years.

However, I am a renter and so cannot lay a concrete stab to attach it to.

  • I'm thinking of using treated pine pallets as flooring, is that suitable  (if not, why please) or is there another type of inexpensive flooring that I can use (preferably under $200)?
  • Also, I've just found out that I need to insulate the shed, I noticed the foil type insulation at Bunnings, is that suitable, and how does it get attached to the shed. (preferably under $200).
  • Or is there something less expensive to insulate my new shed as the total cost of having a shed is really adding up, I had no idea that the shed would need insulation too. (preferably under $200).
  • Can I pay extra to have the people installing the shed to also install the insulation?

Thank you so much for answering these questions.

Regards Jan, a very long time Bunnings shopper.

Growing in Experience

Re: What insulation and flooring for a shed in a rental?

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. - The only reason that I thought that I would have to insulate the walls against moisture is because I read online that condensation will get in through the walls and cause my items to get wet and moldy. -- However, others here also don't seem to think that the insulation will be necessary. --- I will be storing items on shelving (someone recommended adding Masonite sheeting to the backs to help keep them dry and to stabilize them, that person also recommended putting the pallets on plastic sheeting to stop moisture rising), do you think that that is necessary, as I'm really trying to keep costs down, but if something is needed, then I'll spend the money. --- The extra height of using pallets is fine because I'm only 5'2", the shed is 2m --- Unfortunately I can't get gravel into my yard --- I'm trying to do as much research into all of this as I can, a couple of people on this website have made suggestions and so I'm trying to work out what I can afford because the shed and installation is already $1,000 so the extra costs for flooring other than pallets was not expected, I had just though pallets would be fine. --- But, if they are totally not a good idea because they may rot (I'm getting heat treated , I'll have to re-think being able to afford pavers. --- I'll take a photo next week and post it. -- I'm so very happy to have found this webpage resource, I've a very long time customer for hardware and garden supplies and I seem to be there every few weeks, it's one of my favorite places. regards Jan

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: What insulation and flooring for a shed in a rental?

Hi again @bkjan 

Plastic sheeting is pretty cheap.

Example $ 48 3m x 5m. Plastic sheeting

The most likely source of moisture in a small shed, in a sheltered location, will be from the ground. There isn't much wall space to gather much moisture from cold air. 

Slabs: I rarely buy any ... Try calling your nearby council or tip. They often have some 2nd hand ones that are free or very cheap. Otherwise try Gumtree... and also ask around. It's amazing how often someone will have a pile of slabs that they want to be rid of. Is there any building going on around you? When old houses are cleared the contractor is usually happy to give a few slabs away, since that's less junk for them to get rid of.

If you use the pallets as flooring definitely use plastic on the ground first. And be sure to sit some of the timber edges onto the bottom of the frame so that the weight of shelves and contents will hold the shed down should a storm hit. Alternatively, sit the shed on the pallet (still use plastic on the ground first) and screw the shed to it in many places. Sheds are light and fly away easily, as you will have seen on news items. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What insulation and flooring for a shed in a rental?

Hi @bkjan,


To answer your questions, yes, my father-in-law's shed was constructed on a slab, as was my prefabricated shed. The difference is that his shed is sealed, while prefabricated sheds are open to the outside air. Due to this, if the humidity is high outside the shed, it's also high inside it.




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