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Bathroom and Laundry

Help for bathroom and laundry renovation projects
Community Newcomer
1 reply

In Taiwan, there is a liquid material called p250 Plimates waterproofing, which can be used for DIY repairing shower base leakage without replacing ti ...

Finding My Feet
2 replies

I’m repainting the inside of my vanity cupboard and have removed the mirrored door to do so. The hinges are a little rusted and have old paint on them ...

Just Starting Out
4 replies

I was looking at buying a 1200 x 900 shower base and had found a shower screen to go with it. 'Mondella 2000 x 1160 x 860 Chrome Semi-Frameless Shower ...

Community Newcomer
3 replies

Can someone please help me to fix this in my new bathroom, not sure how it happened!   

Finding My Feet
5 replies

I've had a dripping shower head for a while and it's really excessive the amount of water it wastes. Using some other community posts I figured I'd gi ...

Getting Established
3 replies

Hi! I want to connect my washing machine and dishwasher water supply hoses to the cold water tap using the Nylex Brass Two Way Manifold. Does the mani ...

Community Newcomer
1 reply

Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has any simple ideas for updating this bathroom? It’s very small and we’re not in a position to completely remodel. ...

Building a Reputation
16 replies

Hi Everyone Newest member here and needing some help on storage and layout ideas as looking to DIY the laundry and shower. Laund ...

Getting Established
5 replies

Hi there! I'm so new to this, so apologies in advance if I don't understand things properly.. I just have had my toilet's inlet valve replaced with ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

Hello Everyone, I live in a 2 storey property, in the bathroom/toilet on 2nd level, I start to see more and more of those small gaps between tiles ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hello everyone, I am new to this community, can I please ask for your suggestion? I accidentally pulled off the surface while removing a glued ...

Getting Established
7 replies

We have a very old toilet where the flush buttons are not working properly. we think we should change the cistern. what cisterns do you recommend that ...

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