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Help for kitchen renovation projects
Finding My Feet
3 replies

Hello, Have these scratches/chips on kitchen cupboard wall. Occurred because the door of the kitchen cabinet was jambing and then when opening made ...

Community Newcomer
1 reply

I was thinking I could limewash the floor tiles to lighten appearance. Will this work and how do I go about it please?   

Community Newcomer

   Hello,Hi all,I intend to repaint my kitchen cabinets. The previous owner installed them and I suspect they purchased a complete set from Bunnings, ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Is it possible to buy the kitchen cupboard doors without the predrilled hinge holes 0 ie blank doors? This would allow the position of the hinges to b ...

Just Starting Out
6 replies

We are using kitchen cabinets to create office storage. Due to the particular requirements, we need to cut the end panel that will go on a base cabine ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

I have this ? Mould or is it rubber around the top of my sink. I’ve tried cleaning with mould clear but doesn’t come off then thought maybe it should ...

Finding My Feet
11 replies

Hello, Can you please tell me what I could do to fix these? They are chips that have come off kitchen bench. Looks like it is marble kitchen bench b ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

I have had my oak table sanded back professionally and now want it the colour of my chair , stain then a wax finish. I’ve tried Frast and Watson Ha ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

I have what they call a disc tap on my kitchen sink. When I lift the handle to get water running, it is very tight & hard to regulate the flow.  

Just Starting Out
1 reply

I have a 1980’s Formica benchtop. It has a few cracks and some seams. I would like to seal the seams and fix the cracks. I’m happy with the colour ge ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hi everyone! I’ve just bought my first house and I’m looking for advice on budget-friendly ways to improve the kitchen. A full renovation isn’t in the ...

Cultivating a Following
12 replies

I built this custom bread box for a friend as a house warming gift.

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