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Help for outdoor home improvement projects
Growing in Experience
9 replies

Hi, I have done a lot of reading in this form on the Low Level floating decks, got inspired by some of the DIYers and decided to go ahead and make us ...

Growing in Experience
4 replies

Hi. I have this space where I “temporarily” covered it with something but not aesthetically good looking and an eye sore. The plastic is just to preve ...

Community Newcomer
4 replies

There is a hole in the mailbox which I need to fix. Please assist with material required and procedure to complete this task.    

Community Newcomer

Hey There ,I want to building a deck 4m*3m ,it’s very solid and sloping ground ,height100mm- 400mm above the ground. What sort of timber post I should ...

Community Newcomer

Community Newcomer

Hi! Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a cheap wood that I could use to create a low picnic table for a birthday party? Thanks,Liv

Community Newcomer

I emptied my water feature for cleaning and would like to redo the waterproof membrane. I believe the structure is glass reinforced concrete. Shoul ...

Just Starting Out
3 replies

Hello , I am new to community and would need help in beautifying my backyard lawn . Could see patches of mould in the grass as attached . Please advis ...

Community Newcomer

Hi all, these forums have been very helpful in planning my poolside deck. I have a few questions from the experts which I havn't been able to find yet ...

Just Starting Out

Hi team, I am looking at putting some 2.4x1.2mtr veggies patches in my backyard. As you can see it is full of weeds at the moment, I was thinking of p ...

Community Newcomer
1 reply

Hi brains trust, so we have been rejuvinating the patio with new polycarbonate roofing and have semi enclosed it with new siding. My question is about ...

Building a Reputation
9 replies

I loved this project! I have wanted a potting bench forever that I can also use to put floral arrangements together; perhaps serve some lunch off (our ...

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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects