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The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.

Whole of House

Help for projects that encompass the entire house
Getting Established
4 replies

Hi, We are aiming to have as even building envelope as possible, therefore hoping to have some guidance how to best address the top parts of the wall ...

Community Manager Jason
Community Manager
62 replies

Many thanks for joining the Bunnings Workshop community. You have joined a friendly, helpful community of people who are happy to roll the sleeves up ...

Just Starting Out
3 replies

I have a home built in the mid 70's. The internal walls of the bedrooms are painted concrete block. I want to render/plaster over the blockwork which ...

Finding My Feet
1 reply

Hi, We got some crickets in the attic. I've checked the attic, and it seems to be dry. What is the best way to get rid of them? Thanks for the hel ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

hey everyone,I want to purchase a lot of my construction equipment from bunningI want to convert my van for travel and living. Since I don't have my o ...

Growing in Experience
1 reply

I found a Bunnings digital gift card in my email from last year. Is there a way to check the balance without going into a store?

Getting Established
2 replies

I want to protect my house against termites, cockroaches and other pests that might do damage or badly affect day-to-day life (e.g. get into food or t ...

Getting Established
15 replies

Hi My first request on WS. I have just bought a really nice leather lounge for a steal on "Treeplace" It has a small tear in it which is part of the r ...

Community Manager Jason
Community Manager
769 replies

Welcome to your Workshop. It is great to have you as a member of the community. We encourage you to say hello and introduce yourself. Please reply t ...

Growing in Experience
1 reply

I have a mice in the garage that I need to get rid off. I'd like to know though if I put a trap with bait or just bait out, does the bait just attract ...

Just Starting Out
3 replies

I called in this afternoon and went into the cafe for my usual coffee. There was one of your team members there on a break and I started to talk to he ...

Getting Established
16 replies

Hi I would love to learn some DIY stuff instead of relying on my grown up kids or male friends. I can't see any how to learn to be a capable DIY wome ...

Why join the Bunnings Workshop community?

Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects