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Whole of House

Help for projects that encompass the entire house
Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hi, I’d like to hear from experts in ceiling insulation. Our house is 22 years old, and ever since we bought it, I’ve noticed that there doesn’t seem ...

Cultivating a Following
4 replies

Thinking of adding something here to cut down on the midday sun that’s baking my house. Does anyone have any recommendations? Ideally, it'll be somewh ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hi all! I’m hoping to install some s-bend sheer curtains here, but am a bit puzzled on the best way to do so given the bulky ‘decorative’ corners in t ...

Getting Established
4 replies

Hi, We are aiming to have as even building envelope as possible, therefore hoping to have some guidance how to best address the top parts of the wall ...

Growing in Experience
8 replies

When ceiling fans are installed in new houses, is the minimum blade height dictated by a building code ? Any licenced builder able to answer this ?

Finding My Feet
6 replies

Hi. This is my first question to this forum. My house was built in the 60s and has 2 plaster ceiling vents - one in the bathroom and the other in the ...

Finding My Feet
2 replies

Hi, I live in the top apartment of a small block, and the bedroom is on a mezzanine floor that's under the roof (ie there are no rooms above it just t ...

Getting Established
9 replies

I’m looking to improve the energy efficiency of our older home, as it gets uncomfortably warm in summer and cold in winter. I’m considering retrofitti ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

My house is a standard 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, separate small laundry single brick veneer home, built in 1939. I will soon be having a refu ...

Finding My Feet
2 replies

    We recently bought an existing house with reverse cycle AC which I know nothing about. Discovered it should have a filter on the return vent. It ...

Just Starting Out
5 replies

I'm insulating all the walls. It's single brick . I will use rockwool r2.5 acoustic batts Do I need a vapor barrier filt behind the batts for extra pr ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

We live in the downstairs of a highset house, we have external brick walls, need vents or exhaust in most rooms to take out the heat Also looking f ...

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