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The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.

Whole of House

Help for projects that encompass the entire house
Getting Established
5 replies

Chez made this painting a while back and has suggested many times how good it would look with an old fence paling style frame. With Valentine’s Day ap ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hi, I have collected over the years pieces of silky oak restoration for my retirement. I would like to start doing them up. I’m a Qualfied Painter but ...

Growing in Experience
5 replies

Hello, I have a piece of furniture which I’ve sanded back. I’m wanting to stain and protect it in a similar colour to the item in the image. Any sugge ...

Just Starting Out
5 replies

    I’ve got my great grandmothers sewing machine from 1900s. The wood veneer is chipped and peeling away. Is there any way to repair this and rest ...

Growing in Experience
1 reply

  Hi all, I want to paint my daughters bed white. It is an IKEA bed in a dark chocolate brown. I am not sure what kind of timber it is, likely nothin ...

Having an Impact
8 replies

              A project where I upcycled furniture, art and homewares for a local women’s shelter. After ascertaining what they needed, I put ...

Building a Reputation
17 replies

So here is the throne in its better days. Now it is looking worse for wear. The seat has golden-ish metal buttons with metal loops. They show tarnish. ...

Cultivating a Following
16 replies

       G’day guys and girls, A little break away from the Mancave project for a minute. Seeking some advice on the best way to go about restorin ...

Growing in Experience
6 replies

Hi I am wanting to turn two old security doors into window screens. Any one have any previous experience with this or any tips tricks or ideas. Thank ...

Making a Splash
5 replies

This year my Christmas Tree started to collapse, despite my efforts I was not able to keep it together until Christmas day so I decided I would repurp ...

Finding My Feet
6 replies

   I have this baby change table I would love to repair and give to a friend. Does Bunnings sell the cane sticks that make the base? I don't know w ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hi. I've recently sanded back this dining table and want to seal it in a way that keeps the raw wood look, isn't shiny, and doesn't turn it orange or ...

Why join the Bunnings Workshop community?

Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects