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The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.

Whole of House

Help for projects that encompass the entire house
Just Starting Out
1 reply

  Hi there, In my hard plaster house, I have noticed cracks in the walls and uneven areas. The cracks pictured haven’t broken opened the paint but ar ...

Just Starting Out

In May 2023, I had a qualified plumber install agi pipe at almost foundation level against one wall of my house to stop storm water getting under my h ...

Just Starting Out
3 replies

Hi,I wanted to check if I get pine timber panel 2400x900x33 to be used as a dining table combined with steel tube legs ,similar to the ones in the lin ...

Community Newcomer
1 reply

I want to buy and install a Wifi enabled security camera and need to know if it will work so I can monitor property whilst away on holidays. The avail ...

Community Newcomer
1 reply

What’s the difference between the twin pack Ozito batteries for $89 and the one for $129. Both are 18V 4.0Ah so I’m not sure which to buy.

Community Newcomer
1 reply

   Hi! I’m new to home improvement and have tried to install some curtains in my unit! I have successfully drilled into the concrete wall on one side ...

Finding My Feet
4 replies

Hi, Can bunnings tint my 10 litre white paint that I bought from bunnings a few years ago and just opened the can today? I am happy to pay a cost for ...

Finding My Feet
1 reply

I have a Deta inline switch. I use my phone to pair with the device, but instead of picking up a local wifi IP address, it picks up my external IP add ...

Growing in Experience
1 reply

Hi, Looking for some help on this job. There is a large gap between floorboards and wall. Wondering what we can do. Gap far too large for gap filler. ...

Amassing an Audience

Hi workshop members.. I came across a video the other day which sparked my interest.! It showed a way of putting charge back into all AA, and AAA Al ...

Finding My Feet
6 replies

Do you think this would work. I am having new carpet laid

Cultivating a Following
1 reply

  Hey team. After two years of weather  my DIY window frosting has started to chip away. I originally sprayed the Dulux window frosting spray ...

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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects