Is it possible to restore the drywall without replacing the plasterboard? The board is stained with glue residue that the previous owner used to adher ...
Hi, first time question.
I have cleaned, washed and now etched my concrete garage floor, getting ready to epoxy next weekend.
I am having trouble was ...
Hi, new to this forum, thank you for having me! I have recently moved house and we seem to have much less storage space for outdoor type things such a ...
Hi Community Members - I'm planning to convert part of my garage into a functional storage space using cabinets while also incorporating a small study ...
@MitchellMc @Dave-1@EricL
I have read through the post about waterproofing your shed. My shed is not built yet but my slab ready - but its not r ...
hi all,
so I’ve brought this shed and is yet to be assembled my question is my yard is hard granite and not even,I don’t know where to start…how do I ...
Hi All, I wanted to know what everyones opinions are on what you think the best brands of power tools are for professionals, the at home DIYer and th ...
I am looking to build a stud wall in my garage, non load bearing as it is just to divide the space for different purposes. The garage is free st ...
Many Bunnings stores offer a timber cutting service to help you get your wood home and get started on your project.
Here are some frequently asked q ...
Looking to salvage our outdoor wood shed (3m x 5m) that has already been built in the backyard. The existing internal wood wall panels and ceiling pan ...
I've got this storeroom that's been added on to the house at some stage. The wall on the left is the original exterior wall, and I believe the constr ...